🦄 New Productive Full-Stack Development in 2024

December 22, 2023 (1y ago)

Think and impl. in a super-full-stack way

Google is a super full-stack company, they want smart creatives to do smart things in a smart way.

Core ideas of super-full-stack dev

  • Design Conceptual Integration of product design, ux, native, web, mobile, desktop, cloud, edge, ai, ...🚀.
  • Biz and Problem Driven to solve problem with skills like swiss knife 🇨🇭, driven by your own ideas 🤔.
  • Embrace of Elegant and Cut-Edged Tech. to make your product more effective, competitive and innovative 🦄.
    • Prisma
    • TailwindCSS
    • React, Next.js
    • OpenAI / Github Copilot
    • Turbo-repo / Turbo-pack
    • Swr / React Query
    • ...

New Three Musketeers of the Web

The Three Musketeers of the Web in the New Era: Typescript* + React* + TailwindCSS*, use React way to achieve FullStack way.

  • Great Eco-system of TS(JS / EcmaScript) and NPM. 🌍 -> Arms of Giants
  • React core conceptions, patterns and abstractions in Native, Web, and Server as Components. -> Design Consistency
    • FullStack with React TechStack
  • Stateless and Serverless next.js make it in a natural-way to do so, and generate its principles to develop its systems. -> Scalability and Simplicity
    • Next.js Edge Runtime with super fast performance and scalability.

Geek and Hacker Spirits in Web Dev

  • Geek and Hacker Spirit to seek high quality and high performance of your product 🌟.
    • Responsive and Token driven theme Design system
    • Dark Scheme compatible
    • Rich interactive and animated UI for better UX
    • PWA / SPA / SSR / SSG / ESR / AOT / WASM ... combination with flexible design to boost performance and dev experience.
      • -> Micro Frontend is the past pone now.
      • -> C++ / Rust -> WASM is the performance boost in the future cross-platforms such as tik-token impl.
    • ...

One Repo to rule them all

Benefits of One Repo to organize multiple apps / packages with super blade in an effective way.

Architecture Consistency

Core architecture share and consistency: from server -> client with safe unit tests to assure the consistency of the architecture.

Software Dev Architecture

Code Sharing and Reusability

  • Dependency Consistency with pnpm workspace system.
    • All shared dependencies are managed by pnpm with single locked version which reduce the risk of dependency conflicts and size of node_modules.
    • Flatting the dependency tree to reduce the size of node_modules and make it more consistent.
    • Use workspace linkages to share packages among projects
  • Large amount of Code sharing across multiple projects of different platforms.
    • Core data structure share: from db -> server -> client
      • The power of Prisma database devOps.

Use Prisma for Example:

DB Scheme design:

model KnowledgeSet {
  id        BigInt   @id @default(autoincrement())
  cuid      String   @unique @default(cuid())
  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
  desc      String?  @db.MediumText
  name      String   @db.VarChar(100)
  status    Int      @default(0)
  createdBy String?  @db.VarChar(120)
  updatedBy String?  @db.VarChar(120)
  type      Int      @default(0)
  content Json? @db.Json
  app   AIApp  @relation(fields: [appId], references: [id])
  appId BigInt
  entities KnowledgeEntity[]
model KnowledgeEntity {
  id        BigInt   @id @default(autoincrement())
  cuid      String   @unique @default(cuid())
  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
  name      String   @db.VarChar(100)
  status    Int      @default(0)
  createdBy String?  @db.VarChar(120)
  updatedBy String?  @db.VarChar(120)
  type      Int      @default(0)
  content Json? @db.Json
  knowledgeSet   KnowledgeSet @relation(fields: [knowledgeSetId], references: [id])
  knowledgeSetId BigInt

SQL migration system:

  • use prisma migrate to generate migration files.
  • use prisma migrate dev to apply the migration files to your database.


  • easy to handle and use prisma type-generation system
    • hint for type generation
    • hint for complex query and modification
-- CreateTable
CREATE TABLE `KnowledgeSet` (
    `cuid` VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL COMMENT '全局唯一ID',
    `updatedAt` DATETIME(3) NOT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
    `name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL COMMENT '名称',
    `createdBy` VARCHAR(120) NULL COMMENT '创建人',
    `updatedBy` VARCHAR(120) NULL COMMENT '更新人',
    `content` JSON NULL COMMENT '内容',
    UNIQUE INDEX `KnowledgeSet_cuid_key`(`cuid`),
    INDEX `KnowledgeSet_appId_idx`(`appId`),
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT '知识库表';
-- CreateTable
CREATE TABLE `KnowledgeEntity` (
    `cuid` VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL COMMENT '全局唯一ID',
    `updatedAt` DATETIME(3) NOT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
    `name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL COMMENT '名称',
    `createdBy` VARCHAR(120) NULL COMMENT '创建人',
    `updatedBy` VARCHAR(120) NULL COMMENT '更新人',
    `content` JSON NULL COMMENT '内容',
    `knowledgeSetId` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT '知识库ID',
    UNIQUE INDEX `KnowledgeEntity_cuid_key`(`cuid`),
    INDEX `KnowledgeEntity_knowledgeSetId_idx`(`knowledgeSetId`),
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci COMMENT '知识库实体表';

async getKnowledgeFromKnowledgeSetCuid(cuid: string, options?: {
  fetchEntityContent?: boolean;
  fetchEntities?: boolean;
}) {
  return await this.aiStudioDBService.invokePrismaDBQueryWithServiceResult(async () => {
    return prismaClient.knowledgeSet.findUnique({
      where: {
      include: {
        entities: options?.fetchEntities ? (
          options?.fetchEntityContent ? true : {
            select: {
              id: true,
              cuid: true,
              name: true,
              status: true,
              createdAt: true,
              updatedAt: true,
              type: true,
        ) : false,


  • we can directly use the generated types from prisma to make the code more type-safe in the client side.


 * Model KnowledgeSet
export type KnowledgeSet = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$KnowledgeSetPayload>

Prisma Generated Client Type System

  • UI components share: from server -> client -> shared components
    • /ui/client
    • /ui/server
    • /ui/shared
  • Business logic share: from client hook, to server services, to shared managers, to shared utils / sdks.

Here is a demo of the mono-repo system with multiple projects to share code and architecture.

Packages System of MonoRepo

DevOps Consistency

  • Devops Consistency: flexible CI/CD pipelines with Aone(Backend Devops platform in Alibaba) / DEF(Front End DevOps platform in Alibaba) .
    • FE projects deploy to CDN with DEF.
    • BE projects deploy to K8S of alibaba with Aone.
    • Chrome Extension projects deploy to Chrome Web Store with devtool.
    • SDK is published to NPM with devtool.
  • Breach the Limitations of Alibaba Aone Cloud env with Cloud Native series tech.
    • Node.js 18 is not supported yet, but we can use it in a tricky way.
    • Next.js need to adapt some middlewares to coherent in Internal Cloud env.

Use API Specs

  • Swagger API spec or similar standards for third-party API integration and invocations.
    • Make third-party API integration more effective and easy to maintain.
    • Use swagger sdk generation tools, we can transform the swagger spec to sdk for multiple languages.

Swagger Generated API SDK client of Typescript

Debug and Dev locally super cool

  • Best debugging experience from end to end, super fast debug & tests with both FE / Server at the same time, of the same code base.

Super Turbo Technology

  • Turbo Technology Series: what make 17+ repo work together in a single repo.
    • Unified tasks design with pipeline and task dependencies.
    • Incremental task running cache: cooperation with pnpm workspace system to reduce your time, such as run unit-tests among all projects.
    • Future possible remote task cache with DevOPS CI / CD process.
    • Next.js engineering with Turbo-pack, Rust, swc to boost the performance of local dev process.
    • ...

My project's turbo.config.json file for example:

  "$schema": "https://turbo.build/schema.json",
  "globalDependencies": ["**/.env.*local"],
  "pipeline": {
    "build": {
      "outputs": [".next/**", "!.next/cache/**"],
      "dependsOn": ["^db:generate"],
      "cache": true
    "build:test": {
      "outputs": [".next/**", "!.next/cache/**"],
      "dependsOn": ["^db:generate", "^test"]
    "start": {
      "cache": false
    "dev": {
      "cache": true,
      "dependsOn": ["^db:generate"]
    "dev:chat": {
      "cache": false
    "db:generate": {
      "cache": true
    "db:push": {
      "cache": false
    "test": {
      "cache": true
    "test:watch": {
      "cache": false
    "lint": {
      "cache": true
  "globalEnv": ["NODE_ENV", "APP_NAME"]

Boost the power of AI

Make fully use of AI to generate code for u.

You can read AI Driven FrontEnd Development another article to know more about AI in the future.

Happy Hacking with Github Copilot

  • Buy and use Github Copilot. 15% ~ 20% code is generated by AI.
    • Direct completion
    • Write tests
    • Explain code
    • Fix bugs
    • Chat with code context in your editor
    • ...

Chat with latest AI model to solve problems

  • Chat with latest AI model(for now is GPT-4-128K-Turbo) to solve problems. 10% ~ 15%
    • Open AI is the best AI model provider for now.

Create your smart code generation agent in the way you like

Demo: a simple workflow for AIStudio demands with GPT4 Vision modal go generate the UI code that I want.

Future way of AI?

  • Future shape of AI Agent is with RAG, Tools, multiple agent via LLM in AIStudio PromptStudio.
  • Multi-modal AI with multiple agents to generate code.


The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed. - William Gibson

  • Think and act and implement in a super-full-stack way. Super individuals ages are approaching.
  • Engineering is still important to control and reduce the complexity of the system. Both in UX(User Experience) way and DX(Developer Experience) way.
  • AI is the future, but we still need to do a lot of things to make it happen.

